题 目:A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for distributed optimal control problems
时 间:2017年6月9日(星期五)9:00--10:00
地 点:数学与统计学院工科四-637报告厅
工作单位:Department of Mathematics, The University of Southern Mississippi, USA
In this talk, we present a priori error analysis of a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for a distributed optimal control problem governed by convection-diffusion equations. This work is the first stepping stone for devising HDG methods for more general optimal control problems. The error estimates are established based on the projection-based approach recently used to analyze the HDG method for the diffusion equation. We proved that for approximations of degree k on conforming meshes, the orders of convergence of the approximation to fluxes and scalar variables are k + 1 when the local stabilization parameter is suitably chosen.
朱慧卿,2009年于美国韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)取得博士学位,2009年至2015年于美国南密西西比大学数学系任助理教授,2015年至今于美国南密西西比大学数学系任副教授。朱慧卿博士长期从事数值分析和科学计算方面的研究,现为美国工业和应用数学学会以及美国数学会会员。